Breaking News
The Connacht Boxing Centre of Excellence  for boxer training which is up and running in Castlebar since 2017 is a welcome development and its influence is already being felt within the county and beyond. The centre is the brain-child of Castlebar Boxing Club whose record in the sport is exemplary. Clubs from all over the province of Connacht are invited to send boxers to the centre to boost their training and skill levels. Boxing is Ireland's most successful summer Olympic sports and it is hoped this new venture will enhance the country's chances of further hounour in the future. Centralized training facilities in Dublin can only do so much and regional centres for coaching and honing of skills have been identified as the way forward. What better location in the centre of the province than Castlebar?

The news that boxing clubs in Ballina and Mayo will soon have a very fine stadium for county and regional tournaments has also been welcomed by all. A company, trading as Dick Hearns Centre, is about to construct a two-storey multi-functional indoor arena in Ballina, and it is envisaged this will be used to showcase the enormous talent there is in the county as well as being a venue for visiting clubs and teams from outside the county and province to train and compete.  The centre takes its name from the great Dick Hearns, a Ballina native who accomplished so much in his sporting career in the ring, on the field and on the track, and later as a very successful mentor in Gaelic football and soccer in addition to taking charge of the physical training of recruits at Garda HQ for several years. One's trophies die with those who win them, however, and Dick's momorabilia is currently on display in GAA Museum, Croke Park, Dublin. It is hoped these priceless items will rightfully be placed on display very soon in Dick's native town of Ballina. "When we reach calm waters, it is easy to forget who guied us through the storm" is an old saying and very true: we must never forget what this great man has done for boxing in Ballina, for Mayo Gaelic football, for Irish soccer, and for Irish boxing, not only at national level but at European level also with the Garda team. May his light shine for many years to come.

There is a very positive relationship between the British and Irish boxing associations, and clubs from both jurisdictions are only too eager to travel to compete against their counterparts. Boxing clubs from Londan, Leeds and Cardiff have been regular visitors to Ballina in the past and it is envisaged  this new venture will provide a readily-available venue for further enjoyable encounters. Co. Mayo Boxing Board's boxers have travelled to Belfast and Donegal last season and a selection from Tyrone also boxed in Ballina during the summer. A Mayo boxing selection will travel to Bristol in October 2019 while another is due to box in Edinburgh in November. The second leg of the Finland/Ireland Senior Ladies' International of 2015 took place in Ballina and the town hosted a 16-day Polish training camp in December of the same year.

The aforementioned Connacht Boxing Centre of Excellence in Castlebar will be complemented by the Dick Hearns Centre in Ballina. Both centres will ensure that the sport gets its rightful place in the day-to-day lives of the youth of Mayo in the first instance, and in the development of all Irish boxers in the long term. Historians will view these two developments as a watershed in the development of the sport in the county and nationally: essentially a re-birth of the glory days of Mayo boxing when huge crowds turned out to tournaments. People of vision are never satisfied with "making do", rather they strive to leave a trail much easier to follow by those who come after. 
For when the One Great Scorer comes
To mark against your name,
He writes - not that you won or lost -
But HOW you played the Game."
-- Grantland Rice

Both the Connacht Boxing Centre of Excellence in Castlebar and the Dick Hearns Centre in Ballina will be central to this re-birth.

Ar aghaidh linn le chéile!